Jeremiah 5:16 Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they are all mighty men. (See Isaiah 49vs2 also).

Upon the tactics to capture insurgencies or to capture an entirety, the Man of War knows how to win the Battle. He's not caught unaware neither does he lack instruments to achieve His Aim at every opportunity. They are all in His quiver!

The Quiver, the place of protection, preservation and Preparation for those that dwell under the "Shadow" of the Almighty God. If you have accepted the Lordship of Jesus, then you're part of the "arrows" in God's quiver, that is polished for work.

God has lot of arrows that He uses to accomplish His work in every operation, and He'll never lack men to use. Some arrows have been shot and doing the business for the LORD, while some are still kept in the Quiver to WAIT till the time of manifestations. In the process of WAITING, they are kept fresh. You and I are arrow In His Quiver.

Are you sad because you're not known? Are you worried because you're not reckoned with? Does it seems you're SLOW when others are ahead?  Are you tired of "WAITING"? Are you saying God is late? No!

The last arrow is the final instrument to shatter the enemies' plans. No matter how much they've tried, God is preserving you and keeping you for what is best, he is keeping and training you for the set time. Remember in His Quiver (according to the scripture), THEY ARE ALL MIGHTY MEN. God doesn't raise weaklings, He make them strong. If it is going to take God 10 years for you to be STRONG, He'll keep you in His Quiver. Therefore, enjoy Him while you WAIT.

In every military operations, there's always a hidden weapon unknown to the enemy that is reserved for latter times. You're part of God's hidden plans and strategies. You are a Gem in the place and season of polishing to serve in the palace.

The last arrow isn't just to keep the quiver warm, it is actually a preservation. You're made for His Glory. Your Light shines!

If you're not BORN AGAIN, today is the best day to receive the Love of Jesus, and be added into His Army for great Use. Open your mouth and confess the Lordship of Jesus, believe in your heart His Provisions for you on the cross.

In 2021, you need Jesus!

Rejoice, your time is NOW!


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Gospeland said…
God bless you sir
More divine Wisdom