Recently, I visited a "Buka" (a restaurant) to get something to eat, then I saw a man, doing the cooking with the children. The wife isn't around, and you won't even feel the absence because someone is in charge.

Meanwhile, the husband has his own business, yet, he took out time to assist the wife before she comes to the Shop.

I know you grew up hearing different things about husbands assisting their wives and some concluded that his 'head' has been used or manipulated.

I grew up seeing my dad take us to the bathroom to bath us.
He also takes us to school while mom is busy with something else.
I have seen Pastors doing the house chores with their wives at home.
Does it reduces the Anointing? 
Absolutely No! 

That wrong mindset can affect you and your perspectives about life. 
Possibly you grew up under those who don't assist their wives, that shouldn't make you negative about this reality.

There are no doubts about those who use demonic intelligence to control their spouses which is very wrong, yet, we have those who are genuinely supportive to their spouse. 

Being a woman doesn't mean she should come and die under workload when her husband can assist her with the work.

Let your mind be renewed with God's Word.
Be careful of your Counsellors.
Be mindful of your friends and what you feed your mind with.
Be positive and optimistic.

Being in Christ affords you having the Mind of Christ. Are you Born Again?

Accept Jesus Today!


Ìré o (Blessings)

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Unknown said…
Lovely write-up Daddy 🙇🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♂️