There are many disquieting things that need to be challenged. There are many things about the land that needs a 'Judge'.

There is a line up upon our territory that is begging for air. Burdens are witnesses of the Spirit for what needs to be done.
Burdens are revealed will of the Father to what must take place.

The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that i Deborah arose, that i arose a mother in Israel.
(Judges 5:7)

•How do you feel when you see unsaved souls?

•How do you feel when you see children loitering around the road instead of being in school?

•How do you feel when you see the widows and widowers routed by hunger?

•How do you feel when you see young ladies who should be intelligent and making waves of great things becoming a road side marchant?

•How do you feel when you see young men who should be pursuing visions living life as if tomorrow will never come?

•How do you feel when the system of government that is supposed to cater for her own people do not provide rewarding leadership?

•How do you feel when there are high rates of unemployment and the percentage of the poor increases outrageously?

•How do you feel when you see a community rejoicing so much in darkness rather than light?

•How do you feel when you see people who are called to walk in the light of Jesus' freedom bounded in chains and shackles?

•How do you feel when the church isn't producing much fruit as expected by the LORD?

You can ask yourself the remaining ones. I want to remind you that there is much work to do.

In Zion, burdens are communicated per time and people are placed in strategic positions to carry them.
No slumbering!

Remember that vision God gave you.
Go and put it into action. The World is waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God.

So, before you grab the remote and relax with TV, remember that the essence of living is to touch a soul.

Don't Relax yet, there's an higher calling!

It's a calling for YOU and I

Shalom 💓

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