Because of the opportunity of attending meetings and programs, I found out that there are Graces that operate in every denomination. Every genuine vessels of God are unique in their own way according to how God wants the Varieties. That's why comparison of Churches isn't healthy.

With this Understanding, you'll be able to embrace your calling and appreciate what God is doing through others. Every genuine men of God has a measure of God in them that makes them to function in their offices or ministries.

If all of us are relationship coach, how will other areas of our life to helped? God give us these Varieties of Him to help us keep balance and mature in all areas of life. God give us different Vessels loaded with different contents of Him so that we can have Spiritual Balance diet. You can eat from any genuine minister that the Holy Spirit is leading you to. It is not only your pastor that Will give you everything. It is a Body!

If all of us Teaches Encounters and portals, what about the area of marriage, relationship, career, Ministry of helps, academic and evangelism?

Before you criticize a genuine man of God, find out what God has called Him to do. Our assignment is different from each in other to edify the body of Christ. Don't except him or her to do exactly what you're doing. Find out who you are in God.

1 Corinthians 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Celebrate one another.
Place value on yourself.
Place value on your giftings.
Remember that you're unique in Christ.


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