1 Samuel 17:28 And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle.

Have you ever been discouraged before? Have you ever wanted to do something for the LORD but was discouraged from doing it? Have you ever wanted to serve the Lord and someone just whispered fear into your heart? Have you ever wanted to seek the Lord but someone discouraged you from seeking Him?

They are CLAN of ELIAB.

These set of people have no other job than to discourage you from serving the Lord. ELIAB, the elder brother of David wanted to discourage him from doing the Lord's Will. The decision of David to fight Goliath wasn't by flesh, it was the Hand of God upon Him. Oftentimes, God led us as a frontier of His Purpose. So we have strategic people who are ready to discourage us from doing it just because they are not aware of what God has said. That is why we must hold onto what the Lord has spoken to us so tightly. They could be a friend, a spouse, a family e.t.c

Will you give in? Will you throw in the towel? David didn't. Discouragement would always come but giving in at the expense of Obeying God is dangerous. Go and full that dream. Go and Seek the Lord. Rise from your discouragement and Follow Jesus. Your breakthrough is hidden in that assignment. Arise and Fulfill it. 

Matthew 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

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