Yeah, Sip it.

We live in a time where people battle with identity Crises.
The road to the top starts from down, and if the aim is to be on top, then we must appreciate the little beginnings. 
There is nothing to be ashamed of, celebrate your rising.

People want to be like someone who can pray for 10hrs, Someone who can study for the whole day, Someone who can speak in tongues for 12hrs, Someone who can see visions and speak prophetically, Instead of starting with that degree. Why don't you start with your capacity. 

As you continue to grow, you'll increase in capacity. 
It is good you have someone you admire their strength but you've got to start at your own pace.

You want to hear God clearly and even see visions. They are good and God is ready to help you but you've got to start bits by bits.

30 minutes (Studying the Word and Prayer) with God everyday goes a long way. 
From there you increase to an hour. From there you sustain energy for more. That's how men grow! 
Nobody jumps into ocean without first dipping his feet inside the water.

Don't be ashamed of your little beginnings. Ask God for grace. If you're good at praying in the day, do it. If you're good at praying in the night, do it. Don't try to be like someone else. Our weakness is nothing before the Lord.

Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

Sip your drink one at a time. 
Before you know it, you're already half the bottle. Remember, it is the Holy Spirit that quickens us.

But make sure you're consistent, because consistency goes a long way!

God bless you!

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