Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

There's much responsibility on Headship. The first strength of your Headship is your relationship with God. If you're not Strong, how do you want to do exploit in your relationship? Do you have what it takes to lead a lady? If she wake up by midnight and ask you to pray for a bad dream, do you know what to say? We need to wake up to our responsibility as Brothers, and stop blaming sisters for what they need you to answer. How can you be the Head and don't know how to lead?

It is good to speak in tongues, but build up to responsibility. Going into relationship means, God is committing a soul into your hands. How are you going to lead her? Or are you entrusting the Responsibility of prayer to her Alone? If the Head is correct, the body will be Okay!

A lot of relationship out there that are struggling for life, because the Breath of God has expired from the relationship. Both of you must KNOW God. That is the energy that sustain your relationship.

You must be Born Again.

She must be able to fulfill destiny with you. She must be able to Love God more through you. She must be able to Build up herself. And because you're the groom, how are you grooming her? If you groom her like a battle axe, she'll defend you in the days of trouble. But if you groom her with ice cream alone, you'd be sure of the outcome. In short, as men, brothers, fathers, we have responsibility, first to our wife, Children and to the nation. Build In Christ's Pattern.

You cannot be a true Headship, if you have not submit to the Highest Authority.

As Christ love the church is our parameter of Love. Have you sat down with the Lord and he taught by His Spirit? It is in the place of Fellowship with the Lord that we receive strength, wisdom, and insight to lead. Wake Up, God is demanding more responsibility from you! Yes, YOU!

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