

The purpose of a relationship is to draw you closer to God first, then to your purpose on earth. When a relationship makes you hate the things of God or makes you sin against God, then it is not ordained by God . A God ordained relationship should nurture holiness and draw you closer to Him.

The devil introduced a lie which has been since the time of Eve and this lie has fully grown and is still causing problems in the present world. This lie makes you devalue the word of God and makes you to see the instructions of God as "not important". This same lie made Adam lose his throne. The lies of- "it's just a small kiss, nothing will happen", "a small hug, nothing will happen", "a little cuddlle, nothing will happen", "there's nothing wrong in it".

Did something happen? Did you go far? How many things happened?....

Stop saying you're strong to resist it! The solution is for us to FLEE! My brother FLEE! My sister FLEE! Stop saying it has worked for you and nothing happened. We are emotional beings and our hormones are not born again. This is why we need the Holy Spirit to deal with any bit of lust in us. Pray that the Holy Spirit helps you achieve 'emotional discipline '.

1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

That "It doesn't matter" really matters before Jesus. Where's the love you profess to the Lord? Where's the Devotion you had with God before? Has that guy or lady shifted your focus from the Truth? If that is your case, LET GO!

God is giving you a cheque of repentance. Your Destiny is waiting for you. Let's seek God and serve Him wholeheartedly. It is better to be "Old Schooled" than to build a new school of disobedience to God.

Jesus loves you!



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