I was ungrateful....I didn't share my testimony...

Some years back, while trusting God for an height for next direction. On one of our Sunday services back then, He answered me, in the church. During our first service, our pastor was ministering on a subject that talks more on "go" "push" "Don't Procrastinate" words. Words that pushes you to move forward. (I've forgotten the exact topic). (God do speak through His Vessels, take note.).

I know it was God speaking to me through His Vessel. So I took action after the meeting instead of staying back in fear and uncertainty. And I'm here today because God spoke. (Going to three years now).

Recently (few weeks back), I told my pastor, who preached on that Sunday, That "I was led to take a particular step because of your teaching on a Sunday some years ago....(which resulted to where I'm now)"

....There's Joy when we have results of what we're labouring Over! That's why sharing our testimony strengthened people's faith. Some members makes it look as if their pastor is not doing anything at all.

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up on what God has called to do is because, someone somewhere is enjoying what God is using you to do.

One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up is because, some people are going to testify in few years or months to come that God answered then through your Ministrations (either by words, or letters or intercession).

One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up is because what you're doing (wherever your part is in the body of Christ) matters to God and it is working!

One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up is God is at work in us doing great things, even if we don't see what He's Doing.

One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up is because when walking with God, God may not let us know all that is happening so as to keep our heart humble.

One of the reasons why we shouldn't give up is because God might be testing our patience on the seed we're sowing for a proper Harvest.

Some Pastors are tired because they "felt" things are not working out, while in real sense God is doing things behind the scenes. Our church is full of people who have testimony of Great things but won't come out to share them.

And if you're discouraged, the Lord is bringing you back to fellowship.

In all, Let's not throw in the towel.

God is committed to us than before, as we harken to the Spirit of Jesus!

Don't Give Up!

Yes, LORD!


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