Do you have friends you can confide in?
Friends who are joined to you by the Holy Spirit?
Friends who can see for you even when you're too busy to see?

I'm not talking about Spiritual Father yet, i mean God ordained friends.

It is more safe when you have friends in Christ who can guide you even when you're are not "seeing or hearing". Time will come when you may be too busy, but God has placed some "speakers" around you to communicate to you.

Not just friends of Coldstone and Burger alone, I mean friends you can travail together in the Holy Spirit for your life to be better. People you can call in the midnight and till attend to you. Friends you can exchange your time for them. Friends you can wake up in the night to Intercede for. Friends you could call upon for help and you'll receive.

Do you have?
Have you fought with them all?
Have you insulted all of them?

We're not secure in isolation but in Relationship.

Do you have friends?
Not ludo friends.
Not gossip Friends.

But Real friends, brought to you by the Lord. The best of friends you could have are those brought together by the Blood of Jesus.

1. Friendship is Preserved by Love.
2. Friendship is Preserved by Understanding.
3. Friendship is Preserved by time. Time together.
4. Friendship is Preserved by Trust.

I'm not taking about friends that engage your spouse behind you. That is worldy system. I'm talking about the friendship of the Kingdom.

In the circle of good Friendship, You're safe.

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