Draw Your Water

Genesis  24:11 And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, "even the time that women go out to draw water".

The protocol of finding cannot be complete without alignment with the Ways of God. Many a times, because of Different knowledge, human philosophy, and worldly civilization we tends to count God's Word as not too important when it comes to marital issues. But the scripture cannot be broken. 

Abraham decided to choose a wife for his son from his own clan, Which was done by his servant. At the evening, by the well, the time women always draw water, there was Rebecca. It was at the same time she always draw her water, that she was beckoned for next phase.

The right relationship isn't far fetch if only we understand how to position ourselves in God, not by dressing seductively, for we know that the Children of God cannot be disadvantage. We cannot fast too much. We cannot pray to much. The first priority is God and to rejoice in His Presence. Most people fast and pray Only Because of marital tunnel, they don't see it as part of our worship to God. That is where there's problem. 

Significance of the water

1. The water of His Presence. As a single, We must Grow in God and be saturated with Him.

2. The water of Character. She knew how to entertain strangers and still give the Carmel water to drink.

3. The Water of Fellowship with the Holy Ghost. We cannot Do without the Holy Spirit. He's our Life line.

4. The water of Purpose. Discover Purpose and keep doing it.

5. The water of Skills (Not lazy). You have gift and talents to do something. Be busy with it. Rebecca wasn't a lazy lady. She has prepared herself for the future.

6. The water of prayer and the Word.

Also, it was noted that "women go out to draw water". Not woman. Which means a companion of female Warriors. The question is, who are your friends? Do you have people who can challenge you to know God and become better? Do you draw water together or you draw gossip together? It will tell.

Rebecca position herself well in the Lord. She has been developing herself over time. And when it is time, she was beckoned for marriage. There's no time lost in God. You're not late. Keep drawing your water and at the proper time, Your well will be visited.

You have been praying and praying and it seems nothing is working. Jesus said, "My Father Worketh up until Now". That is, even if you don't see anything. God is working. We can never be too Spiritual, because we're Spiritual beings.

Keep Fulfilling.
Keep Drawing.
Keep Praying.
Keep Good Companions.
Keep Serving.

Consistency in what we do. It was at the same well she always visit for water at the evening, that the servant locate her. Stay in what you're doing, that's where God will visit you.

At the Proper time, There's be a beckoning.

God bless you!

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