We deposit.
We save.
We withdraw.
Our Investor.

There are two major banks we must invest into as Believers. These banks sometimes act like fixed deposit account for the "raining day". As far as we keep making deposit, we won't lack resources to spend.

1. The Word Bank.

Psalms 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Storing up the word of God in our soul, not just on our phone, is like saving some cash for later use. Sometimes, it may be some scriptures you've stored in your mind that the Holy Spirit Will use to save you from a trouble. And sometimes, you'll go a meeting unprepared, and as you turn to the Lord for His Word, He will Breathe Upon one of those you've stored in your heart, and magnify it for Use. This bank is so important, it must never be "0" balance.

2. The Prayer Bank.

Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

Prayer is not just for asking, that's one aspect of prayer. Prayer is communion. A fellowship. A relationship. A discussion between two friends. You and I are God's Friend, we should Love Talking to Him. There's an aspect of prayer that you begin to talk to Him as a man speak with His Friend. You can touch Jesus because He's Alive. This bank needs to have regular deposit so as not to have a bankrupt.

The two banks are what the Priests define as Wood and Fire. They work together. Our Investor is the Holy Spirit. Without Him, prayer will be boring and word will be dead. As we seek Him for quickening, He fill us. Beloved, may the Lord engrace us to save into this banks in Jesus Name.

If you're not born again, I'll encourage you this morning to accept Jesus Today. He loves you and wants to Relate with you.

Stay Blessed.


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