
To strip off,
To be open,
To be plain,
Without shame.

There's an eyes,
That sits from afar,
Not uninformed,
He sees even in the dark.

The eyes of the watchman,
Searching through the heart,
Passing through the earth,
Checking the hearts of men.

There's nothing hidden,
Nothing from his eyes,
Even the very thought we think,
But, Him we cannot see.

Is there anything secret?
No, they be not,
Except for things not revealed,
And in time, all will be revealed.

Warn the wicked not to be proud,
His heart and ways are measured,
There's no secrecy,
For he'll be judged.

The fool says there's No God,
Whose Ways cannot be fathomed,
He watches from the Heavens,
All things are naked before Him.

Our hidden parts, He knows,
So much more our thoughts,
Our little sins, he knows,
He's the searcher of the Heart.

I'll be Naked, before Him,
That I may be clothed with light,
Let no sin be found in me,
For His ways are Light without weight.

Will you also be Naked?
He was Naked, for us to be clothed,
Don't hide your dirts,
He's will to cloth us.

Just as the wife is not ashamed to her husband,
I'll not be ashamed,
For your light will try my heart,
That my life may please you.

Nothing is hidden from His sight,
Let the Wicked repent,
Let the sinners repent,
For His coming with Full mirror.

How can we live without you,
O Great KING of Kings,
Our hearts are with you,
Purify and cleanse.

That our vessel will be pure,
Our intentions and ways be pure,
That you'll Rule and Lead us,
O, Spirit of Jesus.

If you're not born again, I bring to you the Love of Jesus. He died for your sins, and He's ready to forgive you and grant you a new beginning.

Accept Jesus Today! (John 3vs3-5)


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