
1. It is important to pay attention to our spiritual growth. What has happened since January till now? Have you noticed some changes, Growth? The knowledge of the scripture? Your walk with God?

The major nutrients supplier is the word of God and Prayer.

2. Not all messages are meant for you to listen to. Or should I say, you'll not listen to all messages. Till we meet Christ in Glory, not all messages or book will you read it listen to.

As far as God is concerned, He lead us by His Spirit, and choose what we should listen to.

1. For sound doctrine.
2. In respect to His calling upon us.

For example, if God is choosing for a ministry of healing, you'll need to read and listen to Benny Hinn more and other respective Vessels in that area.

If you're listening to every minister, you'll be confused. You'll be tossed to and fro.

Know those God has sent to you. Listen, stay and be fed.

3. If you want to have a pure Fountain, you'll need to be strict with the kind of Ministers you listen to. Remember, there are many wolves. Not all Papa are God's Pet.

Know what you're listening to.
Know your diet.
Know your Prophet. (The vessel God has sent to you.)

4. The Holy Spirit leads us. He choose Paul and Barnabas for separate Ministry. More often, He leads us in line with God's Plan for our lives. Know the dealings. Know the patterns the Lord is leading you.

5. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit unlocks our experience with God. Jesus is Real and Alive.

Watch your drive.
What your passion.
What area of the Body always get your attention?
What's your horn?

Christ in us the Hope of Glory
Colossians  1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:


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Anonymous said…
God bless you sir
More grace