The Revelation of God

1 Samuel 3:1 And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.

3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him.

It is possible to stand on the altar, and not Know the God of the Altar. It's possible to know God by letters and not by revelation. Knowing Jesus is by revelation, not just intellectually. An experiencial Encounter.

Samuel has been working for God, handling some responsibility of the priests in the house of God, serving people, but the proceeding verse let us know that "He haven't know the Lord experiencially". The word of God has not been revealed to Him, he's just doing his best to serve the Lord. He was a church boy. Your dad can be a Man of God, that doesn't exclude you from personal encounter with Jesus.

A man can be close to the house of God and not Know God. You may have a Christian name and not know God. It is possible for a man to be a pastor of church because he went to theology school and not know God. Before a man can do God's Work in God's Way, He must have Met the Lord. One could see Samuel so diligent in service, going from one place to the other, keeping the temple clean, sleeping on the altar, pouring water to the hand of Eli, and yet He doesn't Know God.

After God was introduced to Him, His life takes a new season upward. What God wants from us is that we know Him. The Father's Heart beat for us to know Him, for then is our true identity revealed. God cannot be pleased by "the flesh", but by His Spirit working In Us. The work of God has been handled by men who don't know Him, and the move of God has been slow because of the men who don't know Him. This season, the Lord is calling men upward!

The reason why you're running around circle is because God has not been introduced to you. A man can be zealous for the things of God, and not know God. Stop running, it's time to know the Lord.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

The first step to knowing God is by accepting The Lordship of Jesus. The Revelation of God is not disclosed outside the Person of His Son. When you have accepted the Son, the Father is revealed to you.

Accept Jesus today!

He wait for you.


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