In the Days of Waiter-ing

Acts 6:3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

There no "Genuine" man without an experience of the wilderness experience. God took time to train David for the throne ahead.

The days of Waiter-ing, is the days of Service. When you're not known or visible to the world, but you keep doing your work for the Lord. Men who has great advantage in the Kingdom are men of faithfulness.

In a world where everyone wants to hold the microphone, the question should be, how well have you served before? From the scripture above, these men are Kitchen men, even though they had the Holy Ghost, anointed and can speak fire, but they choose to serve within that capacity for God. When the days of Waiter-ing is over, God promote them to take over large responsibilities. Check them out, they did excellently.

In the days of Waiter-ing, what are you doing? It is not the days to doubt God, but to stay in God. We have Fathers has served before God promote them for more.

My emphasis is, there's promotion after every faithful serving. In the days of Waiter-ing, do it well. Let God be pleased that He may approve you for more. Great men are not raise from the top, but from the scratch. Whatever you're doing now, is a preparation for the later. Keep doing what you do best, knowing that God is the Faithful Rewarder.

In the days of Waiter-ing, I'll serve.

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