The Vacuum

The Vacuum

It is possible to have numerous friends but no one actually can be called a close friend. You can go to different programs with people just to "do away" with your loneliness, and yet come back to resume your "Vacuum". Sometimes, you stay on "social media" environment just to stay "alive" but no, the vacuum exists.

It is possible for husband and wife to be living together and yet they don't "understand" themselves. They can really administer true joy that covers up the vacuum in your heart. It is possible to have all the academic qualifications in this world and still battle with "vacuums". For some the only time you are happy is when you are with people, what if people are not there? You have all the money, good job, good dress, good house, but there's still a vacuum- a big space.

There's a loneliness that strangle your soul, whose hunger can only be satisfied until the Light of eternity comes in.

Genesis  1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Anywhere there's a vacuum that is not occupied by God, then darkness is in charge. The reason why the earth was void was because God is not involved. Until God step in, then there's beauty. The "vacuum" in your life can only be truly filled by Christ. A believer can still have a "vacuum" in his or her life, because he has not learn to submit that vacuum to Christ. For the believer, we've got to walk in the Spirit, making Jesus Lord over all situations. 

For the unbeliever, you need Jesus. Until then, there can be no beauty!

Jesus Loves You..!
Come today, and every "valley" shall be filled.

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