Recently, not to long, I was passing by a church, having a program. The place was bobbling as the prayer section was "hot", and also people were falling under the "anointing'. I thought wow, that's good, God is working. And the Holy Spirit said:
"Just because people are falling under the Anointing doesn't mean my presence is there."
I'm not saying, falling under the anointing isn't good, it is good if it is the Holy Spirit. But the Bible admonish us to test all spirits. We live in the days, where if your anointing doesn't make someone to fall, you are not anointed. What an error.!
That people are falling down doesn't mean, It is God's doing. Come to think of it, it is not all the time the Holy Spirit touch people to falling down. Sometimes, God works through the sermon. If you are anointed, you will definitely meet people's need as God works through you!
To measure How anointed you are, is not in how people fall down, but how they are transformed. There's power in the word. God works in different directions and dimensions. I love practical demonstration of God's power, of which God does it as He likes. The power of God is real, no doubt. I believe it, and I know it.
My point is, Discern.
As a minister of the Gospel, we must understand the ways of God are not channel in one part. If you expect Him to come so that people fall under the anointing, He might choose to come through the word, or during worship session. We must be sensitive. In this day, that people fake the "falling" we must be sensitive.
I perceive, someone is here, who thought because people are not falling under your ministrations, you feel inferior or you think people won't reckon with you. No!
Anointing Is a dimensions of God, but His Presence is the Totality of His Essence.
Do you know that, it is the Presence of God in a place that cause the demons to throw people.? When Jesus met the mad man, the demons quake, and ask to be sent into the swine. They fear His Presence. A man can be "anointed" and not Carry God's Presence.
When you carry God's presence, heaven and earth will work together for you. I was studying about Moses recently, a man of God, and God spoke to me,
"Moses was a man of my Presence.".
God is the one doing the work, He comes, when He would. As the Holy Spirit wants to have His ways, He does. There are genuine Vessels of God, no doubt. And there are counterfeits. But be discerning. Falling under the anointing is good, if God is the initiator.
Be discerning!
God bless you.