Spiritual Insight

Spiritual Insight

After bathing this morning, I was looking for my belt, because i wanted to put on a New trouser. Earlier, I had removed the belt, but curiously i was looking for it again. Where have I kept it. I didn't have understanding of where I formerly place. In the midst of thinking, I saw it on the bed, it was a zoomed Camera focusing on the on object. It looks new, like oh so you are here. I have been looking for you. It relieves my mind and save me from stress. The discovery of the belt dawn on me, like something new. It was like my eyes were opened.

Revelation brings solution and brings direction. Revelation brings Understanding and clarity to things. What you are looking for is right beside you, you need Revelation to unlock it. Your Destiny helper might be standing before you, you need Revelation to see Him.  God asked Jeremiah:

Jeremiah  1:11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree.

It is one thing to look, it is another thing to see. 

This comes as a result of Revelation. The Lord Jesus asked Peter, who do men say I Am,
Matthew  16:17  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

God need to open our eyes and see, not just looking. Revelation gives us Swift lift. When others are waiting we are flying. It gives us access. The husband you've been trusting God for, is right beside you. (I don't mean just any how). You need the Help of Spiritual Insight to see Him. The wife of your dream that you are looking for, is right beside you. You just need an open eyes to see her. This is where spirituality matters. To some of us who believe, everything is natural, natural perception has limit and It can fail and die at any time.

I believe the Lord is speaking to us.
The Job, the connection, the helpers, the man, the woman, that you and I needed are right beside us. They aren't far. You might know them, but you haven't see them. You might have insulted one. You might have belittled one. The connection you need to the next level is close. And God is asking....


May the Lord open our eyes to our miracles and our blessings, that we won't be parabulating circle of confusion, and give us clarity and direction in Jesus Name. Amen.

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