Born But Not Growing


2 Peter  3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

No one desire to have a child born and not grow to the level where he or she can stand and walk. 

NO ONE! Same precept interpret the spiritual aspect. Many of us are born again but not growing. It sounds somehow right? Yes...!

After our salvation experience, the next thing on God's agenda for His children is to see them grow. In the parable of the tree that wasn't bearing fruit, the desire of husband man is to see the planted tree prospering. That is the desire of every farmer, so see good harvest after planting.

When we don't grow we become stale. Using old fables to interpret the word of God. No Rhema. No life. No inspiration. Everything is just dry!!! Why? The level of our growth, determines the extent of our capacity in handling spiritual things and how well we can interpret spiritual laws. Grow in Grace... We are saved by grace but we are to grow in it. 

Because Jesus is the Grace of God, so by growing in Grace you are equally growing in the knowledge of Christ.

Many of us are full of old narrations of how they 'use" to do it. We become story teller and not consistent result producers. Growth! A little child increase in learning and Understanding by listening to His or her teacher.

1. Listening to instructions

2. Read and studying the word.

3. Fellowshipping with the Spirit of God.

We are to grow.

Unless we grow, our manifestation to the world will produce little productivity. Little fire, Little impact. One thing I have noticed in the body of Christ and in one way or the other affecting and molesting the ignorant. How can we place a "new born baby" of Christ to supervise things that can only be chewed by the matured. In few times because they are not well grounded they misbehaved. The knowledge of the word of God tells more about our growth spiritually. And not only that, it speaks to our world at large. There's this tendency to focus on "the work" while we neglect the need for growth and keep growing in Christ. It is a personal fellowship with the Lord. By this encounter, we are changed from glory to Glory by the Spirit of God. 

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

1 Peter 2:2 KJV

Growth is constant. We must be familiar with it, in order for our manifestion to the world be full of Grace and Goodness of the Lord.

Lord Jesus, help us to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of you in Jesus Name. Amen.


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