It Isn't Easy, BUT....

It isn't easy, BUT...

Who can care for a man who had never thought of surviving the next day without food. How do you want to calm a woman who lost her husband. How do you want to comfort a parent whose only daughter or son died few days to graduation. How did you want to help a lady whose husband to be, died before the wedding day. How did you want to encourage a man who had Lost all to thief or house burning. How did you want to encourage a man who lost his legs to accident that there's still hope for him, When it has robbed him from being the Supervisor of his company again. How did you want to comfort a woman whose been losing her pregnancy over time. How did you want to help a couple of 13 years who has no child. How did you want to help a man who want to commit suicide because he thought, the end has come. How did you want to help a young lady of brighter future who was raped by gangs.

...... sincerely.
I love to be practical. I don't want theory has some folks do. These situations are hard and terrible. Some times we don't judge by putting ourselves in their shoes. Fine, it is good you quote Scriptures. It is Good you pray. It is good you bring a dakes Bible for exhortation. Do you know that even after your exhortation, the victim still wrangles in the effect. These are practical things that happens. What if God bring some your way, how will you handle it.

It's not easy, BUT....

There's someone who can help. He has never failed. He's always there. He loves you and me...

John  16:7  Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.


This opens our mind to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, beyond just living in us. He's God, living in us. He's the ONLY ONE who can calm every heart in any situation. Pastors can try, people might try, but only The Comforter cab bring you peace in the turbulent times.

I love Him.

He's never fail me.
Even the deep and darkest side of us He knows. Some of us are holding onto the dark hurts because we didn't open up for Him to dwell there.

Beloved, I don't know what you are passing through. I also pass through mine. But there's only Person who can help your tears. Silent Your groans. Lift up your Head. Comfort your Heart and heal your wound. Open up your heart to Him. He sees your hurt. He wants to pour the oil of gladness there.

Don't think of revenge.
Don't think of Killing.
Don't think of suicide.
Don't think of stealing.

Let HIM heal your hurts.

(If you are not born again, you need to do so, The Holy Spirit dwells in the Heart of those who have accepted Jesus. Surrender to Jesus Today).

I love you.


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