SEX WILD the teens.

Fornication makes you older than your age. Apart from that, early involvement of sex makes you wild, "wanting more" if they don't encounter Christ. When you see a grown teens with the way he/she talks you would know that they tends to be "matured" whereas not. When you indulge in fornication at the teens age, you set your hormones on fire. You wake them up when they needs to be resting. Some were raped. This terrible experience makes them wild if not controlled.

I came across a teenage girl, when I observed the way she talked about men and foul language about sex and the likes, I knew something is wrong. A young girl like this saying all these things. I watched her, her behavior and language shows that she's  matured by emotions but not in real sense. Probably she was introduced to sex at the early stage of her life where things goes wrong.
She narrated, how someone was caressing her body and the likes, just to take fun of her. It was pathetic.😢

After, I asked someone closed to her somehow.
Is this girl married or what?

He said, she has given birth.... and the rest.

Yes I know something is wrong. No wonder her emotions are speaking loud. The truth is, she's been lost to sex. If this bad attitude isn't curtail, that's what makes a prostitute.

I pitied her.
A young girl that should pursue career and academic, is now loose to sex. The environment isn't favorable to help her shame. When you come across one, if you are opportune to counsel one, kindly express the love of Christ to him/her.

What we call emotions is the second part of a man. Very powerful and important. To the parents, advice your daughters and ensure their safety.

It is disheartening to hear that teens are giving birth, I mean of unreasonable age. I watched them on dish platforms. It was pathetic.

When you give yourself to fornication, you loose your self to dangerous exhibition. You might have been coding it, unless you confess, repent and come to Christ, you can't escape the adverse effects.

Let's salvage the teens girl, I believe God will inspire your heart to feel after them.

Before some of them go sex wild, let's remind them that they are daughters of God.


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