HELP ME ( Emotional Cry)

Apart from Spiritual aspect of existence, as a Christian we need to understand that there's a flow of emotions inside of all of us. Regardless of how anointed you might be. 
Emotions is God's gift to us without which there won't be meaningful joy of existence.

When a Christian understand these things in all areas including spirituality it will help us to grow and get balanced as a child of God. There's this thing that I have noticed, that is very dangerous and can bring different between success and failure. Some folks believe that merely saying "you said you love someone, you have backslided or on your way to backsliding." They will talk you down and make you regret the reason why you allow love in the first place. But you can't helped it. 

I met a brother who, whenever I'm talking about love and relationship, he will bring in sadist opinion and ruin everything. Later I got to cut off from him and listen to the Holy Spirit. This issue is very serious and it has wounded many. There are some Pastors that you will be afraid to share your love life with because they will condemn you. Even if the so called relationship is unhealthy there's a way to correct in love and rescue such soul. There's nothing wrong in loving but choosing the right is important. Some people counsel Just because they had a failed marriage or relationship so they believe everything is the same. Whenever you went for counsel they will let you regret coming in contact with that man or woman. This issue had turn lover sour. It has make many lived with someone they never planned to have. Including parents, mentors and pastors who aren't sound and balance in understanding. 

Some teens are in the midst of emotional decision they need Biblical counseling of how to balance their emotions as a child of God but instead of speaking to them in their level we condemned their thoughts. 

Many daughters that are born by Pastors are involved in sinful relationship because they can't interpret their emotions and when their father who supposed to guide them in love, would condemned them with a big King James Bible. So they felt the only one in whom they can have security is their sinful boyfriend. We need to understand our emotional reactions and that's why the Holy Spirit is given us to guide us. God isn't against out emotions because He Made it. He only wants us to understand and how to channel them properly for kingdom purposes.

Dear parents, mentors, Pastors....
Understanding men is important, we placed so much emphasis on spirituality and we forget about other aspects which is equally important. If you notice your children acting like they are in love, call them and counsel don't condemned. Help them don't destroy them. They are well protected under your wisdom than allowing your condemnation to sentence to the world of emotional coldness. Wisdom is needed. 

In counseling we need to come to their understanding and knowledge, feel what they feel so that thorough solution can be proffered. Put yourself in their shoes and counsel accordingly by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Got it?

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