Ways GOD Speaks

Numbers  12:8
With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

Can you see that? Mouth to Mouth Discussion, that's how God wants to relate with you. You a moses for God, when you have given your life to Christ. God is no respecter of persons. He speak to Benny Hinn, He speaks D.L Moody, He speaks to Billy Graham, do you think He won't speak to you too? It is God's desire that His children hear Him, so that they can be guided and safe from the end Time wolves. The basic foundation to hearing God is what I called "Father-Son" relationship. That's communion. You are so close to God, that He won't be afraid to show you secrets.

There are several ways God speaks, and Hearing God is as close as the air you breath, if you will hear. Most importantly, as a believer, you must be able to discern voices. It is an error to think that it is only God that speaks, devil speaks too. So many folks out there are doing this in a wrong way, because they heard a voice. So many churches that was created out of jealousy and impatient. So have heard voices that has landed them into prison, some have committed suicide, and some are in distress now.

I pray for you, what ever strange voice might have brought to you, you are delivered from it from today in Jesus Name. Amen.


1. The flesh. ( Gal 5 vs 17)
This is the old man nature of sin and rebellion, that do things contrary to Divine plan. When we are without Christ, we are being controlled by its evil desire, sometimes it make us do what we never intended. It is already programmed in the fallen man nature. It can never obey God, unless a the New Man comes in. A New Government with a new lifestyle.

Romans  8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 
8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 
8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

2. The Devil
The former and the latter has things in common. Nothing good comes from the devil, he's the father of sin and its origin. The devil's voice is violent, manipulating, and forceful. There are a lot of havoc happening, by people who are being controlled by demons. Because they don't have what it take to resist the devil, so they yield.

John  10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

3. God
We serve a God who loves us, before we love Him. He's faithful and compassionate. He's voice is soft, gentle and calm. God doesn't force, He compel. He has given man the choice, He will only compel you to choose the right thing. The Holy Spirit will help us to discern between voices provided we are born again.

The Lord Jesus said:
John  10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Automatically, as a child of God, you will hear Him. It is probably you are not listening or not willing to hear Him.
Brethren, there are strange voices. Yea, as a Christian you will hear them, the ability to resist them comes from the Spirit of GOD inside you.


1. The written word.
The word of God is all we have. It is total counsel for us, in this world and in the one to come. When you read and mediate, you discover that God is speaking to you. (Jos 1 vs8)

2. Reference to passage.
This happen, when the Holy Spirit strike your heart with a particular Bible verse, either when reading or someone is reading. God is saying, pay attention to this word!

3. Anointed Vessel And message.
This when God speaks through a man of God to you. Or probably when He's preaching, a word jump out to you. God is speaking through him.

4. Visions, Dreams and Revelation.
Dream comes when you sleep. Revelation can come through the word or while sleeping. Visions are ways God used to reveal mysteries.
(1 Sam 3 vs 1, Oba 1, Num 12, Job 33 vs 15)

5. The burden of the Lord.
This is a strong way which God passes a very important information. It is deep burden by the Holy Spirit to do something, whether to pray or preach or give or leave a particular place. It goes beyond natural feeling. It won't go until you accomplished the task. It is not all the time.

6. Voice.
(Job 37 vs 4-5, 42 vs 5)
God can speak to you, in an audible voice or still small voice ( I king 19 vs 12).

7. Trance. (Acts 10 vs 9-11)
It is powerful way of conveying strong message. The receiver might be absent in the body, and alive in the spirit. It might takes a day or two or more as God chooses.

8. Angels. (Jug 6 vs 11-12, Luke 1 vs 11-12, Acts 27 vs 23-25)
Angels are real, and they are still at work till today, till Christ comes.

9. Our circumstances ( Dan 4 vs 43-36)
God speak to Nebuchadnezzar, in a hard way to show is majesty. That situation you are right now, God might be speaking to you to learn a lesson.

10. Parables ( Mat 22 vs 1-8)
The Lord Jesus uses parable to convey message to people who think they are wise. Parable is way of giving a message by combination of stories, reference and proverbs to deliver it appropriately.

11. Creation ( Psm 19)
By looking at the world that is hanged on nothing will tell you, that God is great.

12. Genuine Men of God.
God is still speaking through Hid holy apostles like as of God.
( 1 kings 17 vs 13-16, 1 Sam 9 vs 17-20)

13. Prophecy.
Prophecy is way God declares His Mind concerning a thing or a person. Prophecy reveals the mind of God.
Whatever prophecy you received, it must be backed by the Scripture. Genuine prophecy are real and it manifest. So don't shun true prophecy about your future or marriage.

1 Corinthians  14:3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 
14:24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: 
14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

14. The Son of God.
( Hebrew 1 vs 2-4)
God has send His only begotten Son to this world to declare His mind. The repentance of sin, the forgiveness of sin, and hope of eternal life by accepting Jesus. Looking forward to the judgment day, the revelation of heaven and hell. God has indeed spoke to us.

15. The Holy Spirit. (acts 10 vs 19, 13 vs 1-3)
The Spirit of God communicate the word of God to us.

So far, you've understand how God speak. Probably by 3 to 5 of this you have Him, but don't its Him. Today chose to obey Him, even as He speak.

Lord open my ear to hear and help me to obey in Jesus Name. Amen.


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