The Help Meet


Gen 2vs18-20, 21-25.

There has a misinterpretation of the word above. We need to understand it, so that we can be blessed by God's word.

Help Meet not Helpmeet
They are two different thing.

 Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Look at the verse, you will discover that, the word Help meet is not joined as many supposed.

Adam has a help that needs to be meet. God made this great planet and put Adam inside to name the animals and till the ground, it was a tedious job.
God made a woman, to meet his help.
That is, to complement him, assist him and help him finished the job.
Some man thought women are their slaves. No!

There's a man for every woman, and a woman for every man, that meet your help - vision, purpose, dreams and goals for life.
There's a woman/ design for you to complement your help.
God is Awesome, that He fashion both the man and the woman to have the same vision for life. So, He brings them together to fulfill a purpose. The man cannot do without the woman, so also vise versa. When it comes to choice, it is wise to allow God choose for us.

"Commit your ways unto The LORD, trust also in Him, and He will direct your path".

I want us to understand that God has a purpose for our lives, a vision that requires an Help meet.
Only God knows, your very rib that was taken from your side. Every woman must understand that the man is her host, where she is being complete. The man must understand that one of His rib must be properly fixed to be able to balance.
We need ourselves, because of the purpose of God and calling of GOD, upon our lives, and we can alone fulfill when we marry "the very bone of our bone".

There are certain lessons we could learn from the above passage.

1. Adam slept!

God brought Adam into deep sleep. A moment of total surrender to God. During this moment, he is not aware what God is doing. Brothers, when you have prayed and seek God, there something called waiting. Trust God to fulfill the process. God will bring the woman. He can show you through dreams or either way you here him. Trust God completely. Don't focus on that particular sister, let God have His way (am speaking to myself too), and His process will surprise you!

2. Eve waited!

After God removed the bone from Adam's side, He made a woman. There's a woman that was made from your side. After God made eve, she might be wandering that what's happening, she waited until God bring her to Adam. My sister, only God knows your husband, when He tells you to wait, He has reasons.

3. Both of them waited.

As a single sister and brother, we must understand patience, for God to complete the process. Let God do His work on you both.

4. They were joined.

I don't mean church wedding, I mean they share the same virtue. Adam look her, and said..............she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. In other words, she was taken out of me. That is, we look alike, same vision, same goal, and unity in the Spirit. You must be the Same. That's how marriage thrives.

Spirituality oneness and compatibility of a relationship is essential.

.5 They were not naked.

They were perfect for each other, in the sense that, they were covering for each other. None is exposed.
God's will is the best. I don't mind if friends are rushing into relationship, because if they have proper orientation of what marriage is with God's word, they will know better.mWe are to be help meet for each other.

Gen 17vs5-15

Genesis 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

17:15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarah thy wife, thou shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.

Marriage is wonderful and honorable. God planned it and by His infinite wisdom it exist beyond human sphere of thought, and that is why we need God in all our doings- including marriage.

Marriage is all about fulfilling purpose.
Remember, God had knows that Adam can't handle the work alone, and also the loneliness. There's a purpose you and I is sent to fulfill. To make it easier, we need help meet to share responsibility and double effort to finish the course. For every Adam there's a eve so also vice versa. When I talk about your "Adam" n your "eve". I'm talking about the rib that fit your side, that complements your purpose for life. It's not about shapes and handsomeness, no.
It’s about Compatibility and Oneness of purpose, pursuit and mind.
As husband n wife coming together, are you compatible, spiritually, and in all area. Is there a perfect reflection of purpose in you both? Is there a reflection of "this is now the bone of my bone".

Yes, marriage goes beyond physical composure.

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