The Cruciality Of Oneness In Marriage

Job 41vs16-17
Eccl 4 vs 9-12

The difference is clear. From the above theme, we could conclude that there's a work that requires a Help to meet the requirement.

As Bishop Oyedepo put, "marriage is all about meeting needs".

Job 41:16 one is so near to another that no air can come between them.

41:17 they are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.

One point that has been consistent in our past thoughts is the word, "Oneness". Marriage is about complementing each other to fulfill God's mandate. When husband n wife is "ONE", they'll serve as shield and covering for each other in the day of trouble. Two has power, as they will chase 10,000, the plan of God for marriage consist of, helping or lifting each other when there's a weakness or no strength to pursue. When the wife encouraged her husband, n the husband took time to listen to his wife, in other to help her, there will be mutual harmony! The mathematical formulae for marriage is a mystery that only God can solve.


It means Oneness. It means when one suffers the other suffers too. When one enjoy the other enjoys too. The body of CHRIST is a marriage between Christ and His church.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

He suffers to get The Glory. It doesn't exclude as believers. We will pass through fire, but not burnt!
The Holy Spirit will comfort us. Paul said, "That I may know Him". Not only to know Him, but share in the "fellowship of His suffering" Jesus said, "If they hate me, they will hate you too."

We are Carrier of the cross and also the Glory.
That's The mystery of marriage!
Compatibility, Oneness and Unity.

In job 41 vs. 17
It says they were so joined together, that they cannot be asunder. (Emphasis mine). Not even air can pass through them. They were covering for each other. Adam and eve were naked, and were not ashamed. They meet their help. In most marriages now a days, the gap between the husband and the wife is so wide that air can pass through.
There's no trust, no secrecy, no Oneness.
Most women tear their own home, by their mouth and actions. They talk n talk till the enemy enter the home. As it is, parents shouldn't have the 100% insight to what is happening to the couples home. but either the wife or husband, talk out and problem starts. Some men doesn't want another wife, but because they talk out their wife's weakness to parent, they organize one for him. I have seen home pull down, because of the Negligence of the wife, talking n talking to people about her marriage.

The husband said, “do you know, one of my wife's friends advise her to abort my baby in her womb?"

When there's no Covering for each other, the enemy will enter.
God's plan for marriage is a lifelong journey of complete oneness.

Oneness in everything.

If the wife is wealthier than husband or probably she's the bread winner of the house, it shouldn't be told the next door. Keep secret.

We are married to meet each other’s help. Man can't do it alone, Woman can't do it alone. From man is the woman created. So for every man there's a woman, so also vice versa. Sometimes I watch some women destroy their home through negligence of mouth. They can't cope when there's nothing from the man's hand. Sure, He is the head and He must provide, but God is the provider. Both of you must look up to God for every provisions. That's why family altar is essential.

A wife who consistently pray for her husband will enjoy the blessing when it comes, not like the one who curse her husband, she will reap too.

You agree to marry him/her. Is there Oneness of purpose?

I may not be able to say all here, but I pray the little will bring knowledge.

Marriage is about Oneness and compatibility. We are call to help each other and raise each other. Most women don't know that, when their spouse is successful they do to be. But rather, some are laboring effectively to destroy the man's reputation.

Let me say this quickly:
As a lady/wife what man needs the most is honor. A man can build the world for any lady who honors him. He must be given his rightful place. Even if you are either little or widely older than him, Honor is key. Honor is the key to keep your husband. Give him the honor he deserve and watch if he won't change positively towards you! We are meant to cover each other. To serve as a help for each other.

The purpose of GOD for marriage is clear....

Love above all.
Love upholds all.
Trust is an element of love.

Let’s look at Abraham and Sarah

We will probably look at few tips here:

Change of Fathering.

God called Abraham out of the land of idolatry. It is clear that Abraham isn't born again then, he took his wife along. (Look at Oneness, he took his wife along, even When God didn't emphasize it. It a topic on its own for Men, not now).
Abraham met God not Sarah but through Him Sarah became blessed.
God placed so much responsibility on a man.
Now, Abraham leaves the land of idolatry to serve the Living God.
He changes Fathering.
Meaning, He became a child of God.

First thing to look for, is that, Is he/she born again?
 Is Jesus his/her Lord?
Is God his/her Father?

In marriage, God sees the husband n wife as one. That is why the Bible says, "He who sleeps with an harlot became one with her". It’s a mystery! As a lady, your husband must be able to carry you on Spiritual heights as God calls Him upward. He should encourage you higher as he himself is growing!

 Compatibility of purpose, destiny n mind.

When I stumble on the afore Bible verse I was touched. God had to change the name of the both of them to suit their destiny! You and your partner must be "United" , I mean One to make things work.
There's a future ahead of us. Marriage helps us to fulfill better. Compatibility of destiny must be sure. God works in a way that is mysterious. He will make your taste and pursuit to be alike. Abraham and Sarah got a name changed, because of the destiny they carry. They are our father and mother.

Are we fulfilling destiny together?
Are we sure about the future?
It really matters!
 A Future.

God sees beyond our sight. He knows the future for us. He wouldn't just allow us to marry anybody.
Whosoever we marry has a greater cause to our life, till generations.
We have a future! Abraham and Sarah had a future, they were compatible, and obtain it together! God will only let us marry His will, because of The future. We live our lives to pass it unto the next generation. Our productivity and fruitfulness in marriage will affect generations even while we were gone. The future is important! Look at the future! Are we compatible to possess it?


A Promise.

When God called them, He gave them a promise - eternal one.
Before God made Adam, He said "be fruitful n multiply", with the intention of Marriage for man.
After the flood, God pronounce the same word on Noah and His family.
Marriage is honorable, when God is involved. There's a promise that is greater than the earth, that God has promised us. It might be the one that will manifest physically or eternal.

One of the promises is Heaven. To make heaven.

My husband must let me make heaven. My wife must be The type that will make me, make heaven.
And also, God has a promise for you, before you got married. A vision of the future!
In short, there's a promise that both of you will fulfill to inherit.
For you to enjoy marriage, you just marry a born again believer. And let God guide you, God knows the bone that fit your side. Remember, the future is great. we have a destiny to fulfill.

Abraham n Sarah end well. They died in the LORD. They fulfilled together and serve the LORD.
This is because, they are One.....


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