Marriage: The Process Of Finding Your Partner

Finding Your Partner.

Song of sol 3vs1-4

Song of Solomon 3:2 I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loved: I sought him, but I found him not.

The book of Song, is one of the book of love in the Bible, many preachers don't touch it. But I found it interesting and educating.

I Sought Him

Sought is the Same thing as finding something diligently, looking for something and searching. You can't be looking for something if its not important. If you are not ready for marriage now, don't awake love until you are ready.
You can commit your future into God's Hand.
The person soughting for someone must be ready for marriage.
By praying, you can be seeking.
Having a spiritual father who also pray along with you.
Prayer has been the most effective way of telling God our heart. Telling your unGodly friends will complicate things.
When you are sough ting for marriage partner.
Sought it by praying and waiting upon The LORD.

1. I Found Him Not.

Sometimes you pray and it seems the man/ woman is not coming. In the school of prayer, waiting is a virtue.
Not because God didn't hear, but He makes to work according to His plan for our lives, not our own plans.

Some search but couldn't find, because of.

1. Not born again.
God give good gifts unto His own children, not strangers. When you are born again, you are qualified to have your prayers answered by God.
sinners prayer is an abomination.

2. Failure to hear from God.
Many people are lazy. Instead of them to have God speak to them, pushing the responsibility to the of pastors. Beloved, hear God.
May your ears be open in Jesus Name.

3. Unrealistic standards.
When your standards is too high beyond God's recommendation then there's a clash.
If you have prayed and commit everything to God's hand, then be submissive.
Don't say the brother isn't rich like I want. You can't design what he will become in future.

Unchecked character
Some people's character drives away suitors.
Abigail’s characters save her husband death that very day.
When you have prayed, then be clothed with good character.
God will not give His daughter to a cruel son, nor give His Son to a brawling daughter.

5. Lack of Sensitivity.
Some have God speaking to them, but they aren't listening. Be sensitive to how God lead you.

2.  I Will Rise Now
Song of Solomon 3:2 I will rise now , and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loved: I sought him, but I found him not.

 Two things here:

One is to pray another thing is to position yourself to be found.
Let the LORD guide you, your steps He will bring you and your spouse to meet. *To find a wife is good, but the wife must position herself to be found and the husband must position himself to meet her spouse.

Song of Solomon 3:2 *I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways* I will seek him whom my soul loved: I sought him, but I found him not.

The LORD Jesus let us know the danger of the broad way. It's never a good hope that brings.

So many, instead of them to wait on God, they'd go about telling ungodly friends to help them. Putting on an harlot’s attire, just to catch a man’s attention. You don't need it. *Wait when you've prayed.
Don't join the world to cooperate to do evil. Don't join online match making.

The broad way is never good.
Hope you understand?


“The eyes of the LORD go to and fro in all the earth"

Our problem will be completely solve if we give them over to God. He’s a Father who cares for His children.

Song of Solomon 3:3 the watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loved?

It is only the watchman that knows what happen in a street or a city. He knows people who come in and out. He can identify few people who are trustworthy.

God is the watchman. He knows the heart of every man. Pretenders are everywhere. Most people look unto social media, friends, unsaved family, etc for their partner.

God has a purpose for our lives. He knows she/he who will complement His purpose for our lives.


According to dictionary, a watchman is:

 Noun (plural watchmen)

 A guard who keeps watch

The watchman can only secure few people who trusted him. Only those who've surrender their lives for the Master can have it kept. Beloved, have you met with The LORD?

The very life you breathe belongs to God. Until you are secure in JESUS, you are not sure of eternity!

Does the watchman know you?

Jesus said, those who believe Him, are Secured in His FATHER'S hand, nothing will pluck them off.

Are you born again?
 Do it now, by inviting Jesus into your life. Tomorrow might be too late.

Many people are after WHO-TO-MARRY, and not after their relationship with God, that lasts forever. Your spouse can't give you all you can, like Jesus will.

If you want a Godly Husband/Wife be born again first.


You will understand that, it was until she found the watchman that she discover who she's to marry!

Song of Solomon  3:4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loved: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

When Christ is involved, the journey will be so easy!

You can't find that RIB that belongs to you, until you've found God.
God knows how to connect you both.

Only God knows the RIB taken from your side. You don't even know.

When were born, we belong to different parents. We grew up in different environment and training. We don't have idea of who-will-be-my-wife/husband.


Talk less of us, finding the bearing of life. Jeremiah discovers Himself, The day He met God.

When your marital journey is prepared before God, Trust Him to do the connection.

You can't find that RIB that belongs to you, until you've found God.  3:4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loved: *I held him, and would not let him go,* until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

 5. I Held Him

So many ladies thought the only way to tie a man down for love, is sex. Which is wrong.
Sex works with an emotional valve, that operates when it feel it, not all the time. So sex, is not the way to tie Him.

Don't be afraid, if he will run away. If God says she/he is yours, it will. Nothing shakes.

There are guys too who force love by impregnating a lady!
That's not the way.
If you've find him/her what will you do.

* Courtship.
* Pray for each other.
God might show you things she/he didn't know, either about Himself/herself.

* Pray for your upcoming Home.
Pray towards it.
Every factor that will not allow your home to be fruitful must be cut down.

 Draw closer to God.
No marriage can succeed without God, The Creator.

 6. I Had Brought Him Into My Mother's House.

You can't find that RIB that belongs to you, until you've found God.  3:4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loved: I held him, and would not let him go, *until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

There was a word there, until

Just like Daddy Adeboye use to say, don’t marry a lady, if you haven't pay her bride price.

Some ladies are foolish enough to lay down their lives for a man that didn't pay their dowry!
Dowry exists far back in the Old Testament.

Before you take the lady to your bed chamber, first take her to your parents chamber.

 Let, the bed be undefiled

You can't remove the role of parents from marital specs.
Let them be aware, so they can also pray about it as well.

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