Strength Without Him Fails

Isaiah 40vs28-31

40:29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

 40:30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

Can you recall that moment you try to do it without God? The outcome of the decisions you took without Him? The consequences of action you took many years ago without Him?

The problem has always been humans. God is faithful. When we fail to comply by divine parameters, we will be locked out of blissful time. Even the youth, who seems to be vigorous in strength, can fail with their muscles when God isn't involved. When God is involved you won't regret any steps taking from onwards. Why did you choose that job? Why did you choose that man or woman for marriage? Why did you move to that location to live in? Is God involved?

Honestly, there's nothing we can do without God, our Maker. He knows our frame, mortal liable to failure, shortsighted of things, apt to fail, weak and often depressed. That is why the Bible re-echoes God's majesty in Isa 40vs20 " He faint not". Meaning He's able to supply strength more and more as much as we ask Him of it. The problem is, are you asking? Trying to do it our own, Will keep us going round the circle. What should take 2 weeks, with God can take 20 years without Him. There's a God who never faints, even if the strength of the youth is gone. The word of God is telling us to look on to Him for strength.

Proverbs  3:5  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

As this year is going, you can still achieve what you want. There are lot of blessings you can still lay hold on. There are great opportunities waiting to be yours, if only you rely on God. You toil long enough like Peter, let Jesus Help you.

It is not a matter of your six packs, it has nothing to do in God's infinite strength. Muscles can't do it, muscles will cramp. Our God is a loving Father, who wants to guide you, speaks to you. He wants a Father-Son relationship with you, that is why He sent His only Son to die for you and me, that the wall of separation might be destroyed, having full access to God by His Spirit.

Jesus loves you, He wants to help you in the journey of your life. The load is too much for you to carry alone. He's a faithful friend.

Matthew  11:28  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  

Why don't you call upon the Lord, the giver of strength to help you. He's our present help in time of need. Amen

( If you aren't Born again yet, kindly write to the author, for salvation prayer)

God bless you.

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