Let Go Of Hate

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
(Amp 1 cor 13 vs 7)

What is hate? Why should I let go of it?

(transitive) To dislike intensely or greatly.

The solution to hatred is love. Yea, to love those who has hurt you. it may not be easy but its possible- through God. This kind of love is sprouted from the heart by the Holy Spirit. Someone might say, how possible is love the solution, when someone has done me a bad thing that hunt my life?

Someone who raped me?

Someone who killed my husband?

Someone who spoke ill of me?

Someone who cheated me?

Yes, through the grace of Christ, forgive. Why? Because, love is God. He know you have been hurt and used, yet He wants you to forgive to demostrate His nature of love in this dark world. He said, pray for your enemies, because He will avenge for you. Leave the judgement to God. The Christian life is characterized by love. It is true, we will met folks who will spit to us in the face, cheat us or wrong us, yet we are to love, to demostrate that truly we are the Children of God.

But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, ( Matt 5 vs 44)

Let go of that hurt, holding on to unforgiveness can hinder our prayers from answering. Yesterday night, I was in a transit when a thought came to my mind. Do I really love my uncle?
Yes, I do.
But I now recall how he treated me, many times he has told me to get out of his house. Even things I know he can benovelently give, when I needed it, he withhold it. So when I thought of it, it breeds some kind of hateful doing, but the Holy Spirit help me to overcome it and love him despite still. Its a secret that has kept me moving.

Yours may be more complicated than mine, but all the same, I am telling you to look onto Him who also helped me, Jesus. He will help you too.
I know you have been trying to get over this hateful thought amd forgiveness, probably that's why this article is coming to you today, Jesus wants to help you. Tell him to help you, cos you can't do it with natural tools. Hate is a sin, it takes the blood of Jesus to wash it away, and give you are peaceful mind. Let go of hate, so that peace can return to your mind.

Remain blessed.
Yours in Christ.

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