Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »The Sun and Moon The Sun is to shine during the day. The moon is to give light at night. Each of them understands their purpose and stick to it. The brightness of the sun doesn't hinder the moon from showing its light. The are made for one purpose - TO GIVE LIGHT but at different times. God made one a greater light, and the other a lesser light, but they have o…
Next »WHAT HAS IT COST YOU? Christianity that doesn't cost you anything isn't the real one. We're called into fellowship together with Him in His suffering. Right from the scriptures, people were persecuted and risked so many things for Christ. The knowledge of God burnt so bright in them that they could not bow down to the gods of this world. Philippians 3:…
Next »Cast Off The Garment Not too long, a Famous Man came in to town, and decided to take a route to another territory. He decided not to use an expensive vehicle, so he decided to take a walk, with of cause, his body guards. "Everyday is not like everyday, some day are special and predestined.." There was this poor man, who had little to eat and so full of so…
Next »Open Cheque "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Pro 22vs6 This scripture is an Open Cheque. “An open cheque is a type of leaf that a holder can use to get payment at a bank or deposit in his own account. It is also possible for the holder to issue this cheque to someone else.” (Internet Definition} Whi…
Next »HOW GOD WORKS Many years ago, The Lord instructed one of His Vessel, "Son, park your luggage and stay in that territory for 2 years. I want you to stand in gap by interceding for the land. The move of my Spirit will invade the land soon." "Yes, Lord" He went to the rural town. The Network there only works in the midnight when everywhere is quiet…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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