Christianity that doesn't cost you anything isn't the real one. We're called into fellowship together with Him in His suffering. Right from the scriptures, people were persecuted and risked so many things for Christ. The knowledge of God burnt so bright in them that they could not bow down to the gods of this world.

Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

"I heard of a sister who was a Muslim who got converted. Her father wanted to disgrace her one day after coming from Bible study. He tore her clothes and told her to walk nakedly. Fortunately, God's invisible hand clothed her. She didn't knew she wasn't naked because people on the road testified that she wore a bright white cloth. Meanwhile, naturally she was naked."

"Some people decided to quit their job because it was affecting their consecration life unto God. But today, some believe they can "double date" between light and darkness."

"Some people will rather stay hungry than take bribe to sin against God. Today, some people think, "I'll do it, and still ask God for mercy. He's a Good God". It shows you're a bastard. A real son doesn't do what his father hates."

Some have remained single till now because most relationship are demanding for defilement of their body and their life of consecration onto God. Rather than offend God, they choose to offend men.

People have travelled to unknown places on earth just to reach people with the Gospel, but today, a lot of us will prefer to go for morning exercise than morning cry.

What have you sacrificed because of your love for God? Since you got saved what has it taken from you so that you can fellowship more with God? 

Little trial, we're already telling God, "if you don't deliver me now, I'll find alternative."

Beloved, it will cost us many things. It is this generation that thinks everything is Cruise "love and light tinz", and live as if they are not under a government. Taking the gospel from continent to continent cost our patriarchs many things. Many were killed and jailed, just to see Jesus glorified. Do you think God isn't aware?

The scriptures is littered with heroes of faith, not avengers. Men who decided to stand for Jesus and risk their lives for the Gospel. People talk about Paul and desire his mantle without his sufferings.

I know of some Men of God who doesn't have a child yet God is using them to pray for others to get children. They left all to follow Jesus. Some preferred to miss a course than cheat in the exam hall. Today believer thinks he can cheat and still "lift up holy hands".

Some of our brethren are being persecuted around the world for their belief and yet refuse to deny JESUS. Do you think we're called to fold out hands and just observe? 

There's a standard, God's standard. We've been yoked to it. If you're ready to pull, His grace is available. There's no one who stood for God and got abandoned. Many people wanted to follow Jesus, He told them the costs, some followed, some stay back.

Philippians 2:25 Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellowsoldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants.  

2:26 For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had been sick.  

2:27 For indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him; and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.

No other way!

It will cost you something.

Even what you seem to love the most.

It is Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God and of His Christ.

Since you've been following Jesus, what has it cost you?

Got Jesus?

Accept Jesus Today!

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Anonymous said…
More grace sir. I’m blessed!