Philippians  1:11  Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

Firstly, as we all know being born again is the start of a journey to when we will eventually SEE GOD face to face.

Christianity is practical. Thus, if we claim to be born again, there must be RESULTS that validate that confession. We're declared the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD when we receive Christ, and thus, this righteousness has fruits (evidence).

This fruit is geared towards

1. God

2. Believers

3. Unbelievers

1. As Children of God, we must definitely love Him. God wants to see His reflection through us.

2. Among the brethren, it must be evident that this person is born again.

So many claimed to be saved but when you look closer, they are far from it.

Thus, the company of brethren mist truly sees that YOU'RE born again.

3. Like the word "we are the Bible the world reads"

It is only the believer that has knowledge of the word, and the unbeliever doesn't.

So, they must see the change in us.

If a mango 🥭 fruit isn't sweet, can I tell someone else to buy it?

In the early church,

If you read the writings of Paul, he let the church know those who are saved. Thus, being BORN AGAIN is the real deal. No one can partake in the Kingdom Agenda without the helmet of Salvation.

But today, many people are running a different agenda that is different from God's. Some learned how to speak in tongues. That's why Discernment is important.

Romans  14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.


One of the most important parts of a good tree is the fruits. (John 15vs1-3)

1. God is the Husbandman

2. Jesus is the Vine

3. We're the branch

God is fruitful.

Jesus is Fruitful.

Thus, we must bear fruit.

Fruits that meet the requirements of God, and Glorify Him.

Philippians  1:11  Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

1. So Righteousness came by Jesus, not of our works.

2. God takes the Glory and the praise

Ways the fruits of righteousness is revealed is via,

1. Our words

2. Our thoughts

3. Our lifestyle

And many other things.

Righteousness has a product. This is evident to all, and it compels people to come and buy the product.

Matthew  5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


Many people speak in tongues, but we can't find the fruits of righteousness. Everybody wants to be a Papa and Mama, but we can't see Jesus.

Today, many people want to be KNOWN but the fruits of righteousness are not available. We have "Spirit Tagged Meetings" but only a few people were developed to grow in the fruits of righteousness.

Spiritual gifts are very good.

I've, and you have.

But, it must be balanced.

The fruits and the gifts are powerful when combined.

The Lord Jesus taught and taught.

He was making sure people grow in righteousness, not just the miracles they came for.


We have work to do.

The Holy Spirit won't force us.

He can only Compel (reason together, encourage)

Spiritual gifts can make us loud and popular among men, but the Fruits of righteousness make us Valid before God.

Someone will say,

Since I'm the righteousness of God in Christ, why do I need to "work" on it?

Philippians  2:12  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

You don't leave a seed in the soil, without sun, light, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, air, and water. You till the ground and water it to make it grow.

So, we nurture these fruits of righteousness by

1. Studying the word

2. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

3. Be sincere at your weakness for God to clothe you.

Thus, we must be conscious of how we live our lives

1. Your company

2. What you listen to

"There's no one doing bad, that doesn't know that what they are doing is bad"

People say it doesn't mean I can live anyhow. Being born again doesn't call for lasciviousness.

In fact, being under the New Testament placed us under the Law of the Spirit.

1. People are watching us. If we claimed to be born again. They want to see the fruits.

2. God is expecting His reflection in us.

3. Who owns that life?

4. The judgment day.

Our Facebook and social life have a lot to say about our RIGHTEOUSNESS CONFESSION in Christ.

Is Jesus proud of my Facebook page?

Is Jesus proud of my gallery?

Porn and Righteousness don't go together.


God wants to be Glorified.

Can we pray together,

"Lord, let my life bring Glory to you always in Jesus Name"


If someone here is willing to accept Jesus. You can call on Him. He's near you.

He'll save you!

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