The Faith of Our Fathers 2


The Faith of Our Fathers

Jeremiah 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

There's a reason why God instruct us to ASK FOR THE OLD PATH.

Pst. Poju Oyemade wrote recently "that God is raising New vessels, doesn't mean He has totally abandoned the current ones".

Not all the Father's have missed the way, in fact some are still diligent in the course of the Lord. So when we're seeking for the old path, we're looking at the right path our (genuine) fathers walked, that made them princes on earth.

Our Fathers were gate keepers.

They Brought heathen kings to their knees.

They turn dark territories into light.

Their Voices were strong, like Voice of 10 men.

They don't quit easily nor bow to the enemy.

Strangers submitted to God through them.

They were giants in faith.

The early church grew in power, and the fear of God came upon the people and the land. They continue in this, despite the persecution.

Today's church want to be "nice" and "something light" and easy going. We have replaced discipleship class with men's knowledge and philosophies, no doubt there are weak believers who are easily carried away by any TRENDS.

I followed one of my father for a Program many years ago. I saw the power of God, and strange things. Those experiences strengthens my faith and build my convictions. We won't settle for crumbs.

If what we have today is just "breakfast Sunday" "7 ways to get married in 3 months" and people aren't discipled to BE LIKE JESUS, it is only a matter of time.

That's why many argue whether they should watch BB Naija or not. Their knowledge of God hasn't gotten to the Revelation of His Holiness.

The Raw Power is available.

His Hands is till raising men.

"The Ways of our Fathers"

"The Path of our Fathers"

"The Way of Power"

"The way of Holiness"

Jesus is calling you, accept Jesus Today

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