The Battle Of Beards


In 2016, I was somewhere outside Lagos for some exercise. Before I left, i have this stomach disturbance which has been for some time. When I got there I decided to make use of their Medical Facilities which is free of charge.

I was happy 😊 

I sat down, waiting for my turn. In the meantime, a guy came in. He also came for treatment. I observed him, I noticed he has beards and I have "scanty" hair😒. it hasn't form very well. I'm my mind, I was feeling inferior already and the disposition to what age differences.

When this guy was called, I overheard his age, and it shocked me that, I am even his elder Brother 🤧 (Somebody Praise God). That feeling☺️, my self esteem came back. And from the incident I learnt some lessons.


Firstly, Outward appearance can deceive a whole lot and you'll dishonored someone who is meant to help you. I knew that, it is not about 'beards' but your maturity and personality. Not everyone who has beards are matured or reasonable in age, they may have hairy gene😉.

Secondly, as you walk with Jesus, your true identity that is not predicted upon natural substance will become more clear. You'll have no time to be intimidated or worry about what's not yours!

Thirdly, let no man make you feel inferior. Age not a tool for abuse. As long as you have Jesus, you'll enjoy His Leadership. Let's stop age sharming, and Inspire those God has brought to your care to do better.

When next you wanted to feel inferior, remember, your 'beards' will grow out one day, time and chance.

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Asaolu Ruth said…
In a matter of time, my beards will grow...
Thank you sir