The Mountain Of The Lord

Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about."

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided." (Gen 22vs2&14)

Clear direction from God to Father Abraham in regard to the mountain he would slaughter his son. In this view, there many mountains, but there's one God chose. And because he obeyed, the provision for the ram came to him on that mountain. Then, verse 14, give us a revelation of how to trap God's provisions, is by being on "His Mountain".

There many things that looks like God's mountain, they look packaged and pleasing but within it is frustration. When you are running a vision, a business, a relationship, a job, a ministry and you're not getting "God's Supply" it is probably because you are not on His Mountain. Many times it is good to seek God to know whether we are the center of His will or not, so as not to struggle.

Being on God's Mountain is important so as to trap His blessings. God won't divert His provisions to a place that is not His will. Wherever you live, that business, that vision, that friendship, that relationship, that location must be in alignment with "God's Mountain."

God's provision are going to the place of His will. God's blessings are received on "His Mountain". On God's Mountain, strength is provided, vision becomes clear and strengthened, provisions are supplied.

Lord bring me to the center of your will continually in Jesus Name.

God bless you!

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Femi Emmanuel said…
Am bless with this word of exhortation,lord I pray 🙇🙇 for the insights if your word!!!!!!