A Muse On Fame (Part 3)

John  12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

When this scripture came alive to me, it came with a sieving tool to curtail arbitrary lust for undue influences. From this point, I understand that Jesus is both the center and the circumference of Worship and adoration. And until we see ourselves in light of this scripture we'll continue to "fight with God" over our ambition and earn a rebuke at the end because our living is not in view of God's radar.

If Jesus is lifted up (make known, famous, respected, acknowledge and seen continually) through me, I'll be lifted up automatically by Him. The conclusion of the matter is, be more conscious of Jesus being glorified than the lust that resides within your soul. When you have done that which it is required of us, He Himself will do the needful. 

What exactly do we want to be famous about? That I can sing? That I can preach? That I can heal the sick? What on Earth is what the whole of time running for if not the errand of the KING?

When our thoughts are right, our life will be right and things we struggle to get, will come easily.

The point is: Let Jesus be lifted up through you first, and watch how he'll lift you for His Glory. If you go out because of fame, you'll be beaten. But when you seek first the Kingdom, all other things will flow in your direction.

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