A Muse On Fame (Part 4)

Luke  4:37  And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about.

The life of Christ is such of humility and Total obedience to the Father's authority. He didn't desire to have the fame for Himself but Father Who has glorified Him before promise to Glorified Him again. 

Many times he will rebuke the people from "announcing" Him base on the healing and miracles they had received from Him. But yet, the people still go about to spread the Fame. Unlike the "Pharisees" who love to "seen" and applauded by men. They have their reward. Because, if truly we want God to be seen, He will reward us with Glory.

Solomon never asked for fame like we do, pestering God on "Lord I want to blow". He ask for wisdom to do the FATHER'S WILL and God Glorified Him.

To this end, shun desire of sinful ambition. Seek to be humble under God's Hand for Him to life us up. Run a check always to rid off pride. And in all your running, seek that JESUS be seen, and He will life you up.

Thanks for following!
God bless you!

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