Knowledge is good, but..

1 Corinthians  13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge...."

Knowledge is good, very good in its usefulness. The bible shows us that, "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God." The place of knowledge cannot be left aside, for anointing too has its own place. Just like its been said, knowledge is power. The world wouldn't have shifted here without knowledge. And a Believer wouldn't grow up without the knowledge of the word of God. Knowledge in its different dimensions is good so far it obey the rule of righteousness.

But at the same time, knowledge can puffed up. It can make one so prideful and arrogant if the elements of love and wisdom is lacking. Knowledge is sustained and not misused by the power of love and the culture of wisdom. Wisdom tells you that, that knowledge you have is given in part, not full. What if God decided to give you a full measure in 1 hour, your heights of arrogance will go beyond the devil, that's when the element of Love and wisdom is omitted.

You need knowledge, but when you discover you've been on mountain of it, so that you know so many things, it is a blessing, but you'll need heart of love and character of wisdom to curtail its abuse.

God bless you!

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