The Cure For The Wound

The Cure For The Wound

Luke  10:34  And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Curled from the parable of a man that was robbed by thieves, wounded and left aside. Three different kind of men pass by but couldn't help, until a good Samaritan came. When the man came he did something that is very important, not just putting "aboniki" but the right kind of treatment.

Now, there are situations in life that man will not be able to help you. Not even your wife nor your husband nor your friends. What can you say to someone who was raped? Motivational talk? Definitely No! In this kind of situation that is so critical, you'll need something greater and precise than just mere comfort. People thought, you'd get better by listening to motivational talk, but real issues needs real dose. Now, let's look at the medicine the man applied:

1. He Bound Up the Wound.

When you find someone in such critical condition, what is needed is not just talk, but the Word of God. The word of God is so piercing that it will travel through your heart and apply your peace. The word first bound up the wound, as you introduce God to the scene. You'll give that person a lasting hope in God, not motivational talk. What can you say to a woman who lost her husband and children in an accident, all at once.? What can you say to a lady whose wedding is a week and the groom died or ran away? First thing, counsel and encourage with the Word of God.

2. Oil and Wine.

In the book of Isaiah, God promises to give oil of Joy, instead of the spirit of heaviness. The Holy Spirit is the Oil. Oil has a way of healing wounds faster. There are some comfort you can't proffer as a man until you allow the Comforter Himself to do His work. The Holy Spirit is the best comforter you would find. Comfort is not in alcohol, not in going to beach, not in reading novels, not in eating... Real wounds needs real treatments that can only be cure by the Holy Spirit.

Are you going through pains and hurts, apply the word of God. It has the power to comfort you. Allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. Let Him work on your wounds. It's not time to retaliate, but time to be healed. Every hurts has cure in His pharmacy! 

Jesus Loves you!

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