Our Incapacity, His Strength.

"Except the Lord build the house,  they labour in vain that build it."

For as much as it starts with God, then it is interesting to know that it will be Him alone to furnish the process. 

I remember some years back, when I was given the opportunity to preach for the first time. It was really serious. It was a student environment, full of students. The pastor decided to have youth Sunday, and decided to choose one of us to preach. I have a friend called Sunday as well....our colleague were dragging the issue, in the long run they drop it on me. I obliged because I've not done it before, moreso how can I stand before my teachers as a small boy. I couldn't escape this, I accepted. Oh boy,  I was not so deep in the knowledge of God as now, but know that Jesus lives in me. The presence of Jesus was felt. 

Okay, I ask the Lord to give me a topic, even though I can't discern well then,  but He guide me. He gave me a topic, give me understanding of it, list out points and the rest. You know when you want to preach for the first time, you will write points. It was a track record. "Father go with me". Sunday arrived, the pastor is not going to do anything, he has handed over to us. After the choir ministrations, they called the shy pastor, and a lady friend does the interpretation. 

I can tell you, that the river of living water sprout out of me. The word was pure and direct. Even though I was not eloquent, shy, just looking at the pulpit and Bible, barely look at people, the power of God moved. I know it, but I was still young! 

After the shy ministration of power, the pastor appreciate God in me,  and my colleague and teacher was like "which Kyn person be this, wey dey stay here with us?". I thought. 

I was a gentle boy so nobody knows anything but, I have Jesus. What makes the difference, JESUS. Despite our incapacity and shyness He choose to demonstrate His power through us-the weaker vessels. Since then, His presence has been more real to me. 

Are you afraid to start, fear of failing will come but our God is sure. It's all about Him, not us. Unto Him who is able to exceedingly and abundantly. He's the one who does it, not a man. He lives in you! 

It's all about God. 

Jesus loves you too, if you are yet to surrender to Him. Just call on the Lord Jesus come into your heart right now,  and He will save you! 




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Unknown said…
So touching
Motivating and educating
More grace sir
Unknown said…
More grace sir
Very educating and motivating