Am I Truly Changed?

Am I Truly Changed?

I overheard someone says "I have planned that this year, I don't want to shout, so don't let me".

Someone did say, "this year I don't want to drink again".

Someone did say "I want to stop fornicating"

Someone did say "I want to concentrate on fulfilling Destiny".

Truly, this can be a sincere resolution, but sooner of later most folks find themselves, doing things they've promised not to do anymore. They got locked up in the same habit, this go through with them to the end of the year, rendering them incapacitated of doing "meaningful" things.

It is the nature of man to think of himself, plan himself and workout himself, at the end it brings futility. The reason to the futility is because they removed God out of the plan. Is there anything a man can do by himself? 

God made us, not ourselves. Our living is to live for Him. When you table your resolution before God, You've put Him in charge to making sure that you come through in your plans. When the heart is not centered on Christ, crisis will keep coming.

"Repentance deals with the heart, the evidence is reveal to all".

If you want to stop drinking alcohol, you need to repent from the the habit. Invite Jesus into the scene, that is when you come truly make meaningful living in this new year. He went to the cross to disharm sin, ensuring that you in freedom to serve God. Call upon the Lord today!

Self-acclaim repentance won't last, unless you submit to the finished work of Christ.

Give your life to Jesus today!
Call Him, He hears.

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