(This a write up the Lord has laid on my heart for sometime, do read with Joy)


As much as I love cartoons, the Holy Spirit has spoken to me through various ones that I have watched. There was a time I watched Kung Fu Panda and the Holy Spirit help me to derive 21 lessons from there. One of the cartoon I enjoyed was TROLLS. It was a series of section with suspense, love, laughter and tragedy, it was a great movie...I tell you. Probably this is where my passion leads me, I don't like sport so to say, but things I love watching cartoons, I enjoy it.

In the cartoon, one of the features character was this guy showing down there and the princess poppy. Just to fast forward things, let me go straight to the point.

Branch was the name of this guy down there, who was once a victim of Giants call BERGENS. BERGENS are trolls eater, because trolls are happy creatures, so they believed by eating them they'd get happy. BERGENS are sad folks down the the King. No one is happy in their town. Every corner of the town looks Gale. No rise of beautiful rainbow. Here are Trolls, beautiful creations who are always happy, they love singing, and singing and hugging and hugging. They are positive folks.  

The BERGENS have been a continuous threat to the trolls kingdom. Branch was singing one day and he was unaware that a Bergen was coming, her grandma try to rescue him, instead the grandma was eaten in his place, this place him on a sad oration. No matter what other does, he was sad. After a long freedom from the BERGENS, the trolls kingdom decided to celebrate their 20years celebration from their enemies, they put thick substance of light and powerful DJ to play music.....

This is where I'm going to. (And the Holy Spirit speaks to my spirit.)

Branch warn them occasionally that the BERGENS are coming, either during wedding, burial or celebration, though they didn't come then, so they see him as a fool, a sad and mad fellow who don't want them to enjoy. After a no-saying from him, the trolls decided to mark 20 years anniversary of freedom from BERGENS. He warn them that the BERGENS will come, they been hiding for this years, just this celebration might draw them here.....No they won't listen, they call him a party pooper. He went quickly to his bunker where he had built for himself for protection, should Bergen come again. He doesn't want to join the dangerous party that would drive in Bergens.

Lightining, shouting, music, noice....the celebration begins... everyone was lost in the euphoria...and just in the wilderness, a trespassed Bergen who was barnished from the town by the former king heard the thick sound coming from the forest,  he decided to visit then, on getting there, they were trolls. WHAT A FOOD...!

Immediately, everyone of them scattered, Bergen had come. Some were catched others run... And sadness was upon the they remember what Branch said. . now he's not a fool. What he said has finally come to pass. What a shaking, the princess was confused, the King was old.....he gave up. Everywhere was dark with silence. What a misfallen.


Acts  1:10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;  

1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Many have heard that Jesus will come, they've even thought we are joking. Some thought it is over. Some thought He's not coming. Some said, He should have come since ...but the Bible says, He that will come will come and not tarrry." We must be conscious of Christ's coming. It may be long but surely He'll come. If His first coming didn't fail, the second coming won't fail. The world thought we are mad, foolish and unhappy, little did they know that we not of this world waiting for our Master. Many are getting married, it is good. Children are being born. Many graduates...but we shouldn't forget the coming of our Lord. 

It is safer to be on the Lord's side, so that the day won't catch you unprepared. Won't you surrender to Jesus today, tomorrow might be too late for you to amend. The Groom will come to have His bride. Stop saying those preaching Christ are foolish. Just like the days of Noah, they were carried away by merriment, they fool Noah, but when the day will come the prophecy was unraveled before them. It was to late for them to repent, flood have them gone. I believe the Lord is speaking to someone here, are you born again?

Don't joke with eternity with God. Accept Jesus today. 

Call Him and say Lord Jesus have mercy on me...I accept you as my Lord and Savior, wash me with your blood. Write my name in the book of Life...from this day let me follow you, enable me by your grace to follow through to the end in Jesus Name.

Beloved, if you have prayed that I celebrate you. Truly God has spoken to your heart. Welcome to God's family.

(For more info, write to the author.) Thanks.

God bless you.

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