John  4:22  Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.   

John  4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

This issue has brought a lot of confusion and disagreement among many Christians. Some believe, it shouldn't be celebrated. Some believe it is out of doctrine to do so. Some believe it should be celebrated. In all this, we've not been able to come to the perfect conclusion but I believe the Spirit of God is speaking expressly concerning this matter. We aren't meant to divide but to stay together in love. Many Differences we have is as a result of someone having a different interpretation of the scripture or using his or her own personal encounter to interpret the scripture or form a doctrine. Which now form the bases of "living". The word of God Is the only nourishment for our soul. We build our Faith and conviction on His word.

A lot of wide and sharp disagreement in the body of Christ just because of celebrating Christmas. As far as I know since I was born, Christmas has been celebrated years back before I was born and still celebrating. The issue is not about the "fantasies" but knowing deeply and taking reflection of God has done for humanity. Most calendar and organisation has set this particular as holiday and celebration. Even though, so many thought it for fun but we are to show them that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. We celebrate because we are appreciating God for giving us His Son as propitiation for our sins. Nothing more nothing less.

Two events has a deep thought on my Christian Journey. The Easter and Christmas. This two moments brings the revelation of Christ more real to me. The atmosphere can feel it. The world can experience it. The season changed because This season God gave His Son. Even angels rejoice, the shepherds who saw the star went to look for Him You can feel the joy in the atmosphere. Everywhere is coloured with joy. Because The Son of God is come to the World. The world misinterpreted this season for ungodly things but we who are saved by Grace know what was done is us. We celebrate this day, thanking God, taking deep reflection on our lives and preaching the gospel to the world to come and know the Savior. 


Matthew  1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

If there's a reason why we celebrate this season, it is rooted in Death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That God gave His Son to us, who are dead and sins and iniquities, that we might be saved and return to God. We celebrate this season because of what Jesus has done....He overcome death, He gave victory to humanity, Hope is restored... Eternal life is given.

You will no doubt see many streets organizing Streets Jamz and celebration of what they don't know. We know what we do and We know Who we Worship. Jesus, the reason for the season. This is season of sober reflection and Thanksgiving until God for what's He's done. It is a season where the world must know about The Savior and come to Him for forgiveness and pardon.

There's two seasons in Christianity that mean much to me, it is Easter and Christmas. Forget about what people "think" about it. But I know Him, I serve Him and He lives In Me.

If you are not yet saved, this is a moment to accept the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

"But Jesus isn't born on 25th. Or how can we know?" You might asked.

Every thing around including the atmosphere knows that He was born. All creation bow and honour the Lord. We know that He was born this month. We might not "fully" know the date, but I can assure you that Jesus was born this Month. Instead of fighting ourselves on basis of personal opinion why don't we listen to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. Many things we conclude on our own philosophy without asking the Spirit of God. The Spirit that brings the conception of Christ. He lives in us.


There's a fear of misinterpreting the scripture if you haven't got the right understanding of it. Many preachers speak and form doctrine mostly on their personal belief which had in one way hinder the Spirit of the Lord. Just because you don't like too much celebration doesn't mean you should condemn celebration. Just because you don't like wearing new clothes doesn't mean you should condemn those who do. Judge things and be spiritually discern. Don't form doctrine based on carnal thought. Most of us, even do the "thinking" for the Holy Spirit because we are now "spiritual". Don't you celebrate your birthday? The date is not the problem, but we believe that there's a confirmation to this season, that Christ The Lord was born this month.

If there's a reason why we celebrate Christmas is because we know the Savior, who came in likeness of man to die for sin that We can be reconcile back to God. It was the season God sent His Son to this world of sin to rescue us. We celebrate what we know.....we know Him who is true. It is a time we tell the world that Jesus is the Only way. Letting the sinners know that a savior died to rescue us and stop sinning. It is a time of celebrating good news that Christ has obtain for us the power to live above addiction and sin.

Celebrate this day and season in love and fear of the Lord. Taking reflection on what Christ has done. You can accept Jesus into your life if you are yet to do so. The Savior waits for you.

Celebrate this season with faith in God and His word. Many people are using their personal opinion to interpret the Bible.

Romans  14:23  And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Stay blessed.

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