He was all this while in the wilderness, all alone separated, and set apart. And the question that strikes my heart was..

What was John the Baptist doing in the wilderness all this while?


God drove John the Baptist out of the comfort zone. Being the only child, he will undoubtedly receive the best child care ever. Sooner or later, he might become a spoilt child due to over caring. But God who already knows the plan, took him out, just as He called Abraham to a land of training. 

Our comfort zone is a friend of the flesh and enemy of the success. 

God is not moved by age, He already planned it before the foundation of the World. He's the Ancient of Days, who's not bothered by time. He planned everything according to His time. It is not the matter of how many years John spent in the wilderness, but the completion of what God is trying to Cook and making Him to be.

And my heart cry was.... Lord help me to wait, I won't Rush out when it's not Time.

Luke  1:80 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.

He was in the wilderness building Capacity, waxing strong in the Spirit, worshipping the Lord. He was patience until His making is complete. He was careful to receive instructions and direction from God.

Before every showing, God must train us in the wilderness. There's a quarry of training, a training ground. The time of growth. It took Christ after coming back from the wilderness and temptation before going into Ministry.

Matthew  4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour was in the quarry of " wilderness" before He began the ministry. John the Baptist was in the wilderness, before HIS APPEARANCE. Therefore in God's timing of The manifestation of the Sons, there's a season to abide in the wilderness of ' training'. Most times we are so "full" to deliver and not it is time to deliver. God didn't use men He didn't train. God's training is different from the theological studies. You can be taught by men and not equipped by God.

It took John the Baptist many years in the wilderness before going "OUTSIDE" to demonstrate. God took time to mould His vessel so that at one point in the heat of trials it doesn't break. It is good we have gifts, God wants it. But the disposition of the gifts according to time is God's dictate.

Lord help me to wait, mould me. Make me complete, so that I won't go out there and do anyhow. Things people will say, is he really a man of God? It took some years before the disciples were authorized and empowered to Carry out the workings of the Kingdom. The Lord Jesus took time to teach, explain and correct them before they can be fit for the work. Every believer is a vessel (provided genuine) but it takes some to be set apart to MEET the Master's Use. Remember, the work is all about Him not you, if need be that we be a vessel that is fit for the Lord, then we must understand that the price for greatness and success in ministry isn't obtain on the altar but before the allocation of pulpit.

Therefore, what sustain out there isn't our GRAMMARS but our soundness in the training we received from God's quarry. The storm of life will surely come, but the durability of our strength is correspondent to our elasticity during the wilderness experience.

Surely, there's a gain after the pain. It is a good thing to desire God's use, but you must understand that there's a "wilderness of training" before the "miraculous pulling of crowds"

Still my prayer.
Lord Jesus, mould me.
Don't let me Rush out when it's not Time. Help me to wait.


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