Keep Trying: Don't Quit

1 John  3:2  Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Success is never achieved in a day, it takes time and preparation with hope, that things will surely become what we want. Quitting too soon, is a sign of weakness, that we don't have enough strength to pull on, on the force of passion that push us in the first place.Nobody, may knows your sweating, your diligence, your hard work, your honesty, but surely you will be rewarded. God doesn't owe any man. Or you thought someone will just come to bless you like that, no, sometimes we need to go farther. Promotion comes from God. We would keep trying, keep working on our talents, keep working the work God gave us. It is not a matter of time. It is a matter of how well we prepared during the hiding times. If we don't prepare enough during our times of hiding our public performance will be low and less effective. Sometimes we need to keep pushing. Our Lord Jesus is our perfect example of persistence. He took out pain upon Him. He endured the cross.

Hebrews  12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

He never quit.!

Nathaniel Bassey was a Nigeria born gospel artist who for  sometime has been singing, until his platform was known. He never quit, because he knows the best is yet to come. don't give up, keep writing, keep singing, keep drawing your plans, keep pursuing your passion, don't give up. To never quit is our story for our diligence. Before we must stand before Kings, our gifts must have taken egde. Kings are not for play euphoria, but serious business. One day surely our efforts will be rewarded. Don't give up. Keep preaching. Keep writing. Keep singing for God. Keep serving. It may look as if, we are not progressing but truthfully we are more meters ahead of where we starts. I have been humbled by great men who are rising whose beginning was not something of reckoned but sooner they get to the throne they desire, because they never quits.

Dear, keep trying. Don't be discouraged by what they say. Not even from your closet friend. In as much your passion is being led by God, keep doing it. They won't like you at first. But......
some day, very soon, you will be widely noted.
Be patient with God, even as you keep hoping, preparing and still pursuing your dreams. One day, the gain will come. don't stop sowing.

God bless you.

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