Heb 4vs 15  For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

It is good to assume that you are the only one who knows what you are passing through. Sometimes your pastor cannot know all. Sometimes your best friend can't know it. If it is possible for husband and wife to stay together and not know what's happening on the inside of each other. Things you go through, like no food on the table. When you have a shaky marriage. When children are becoming stubborn. When no job offer is coming. When there's no accommodation for your head. When man fails to help. When there's delay in promotion. When after marriage pregnancy refuse to hold. Or you are eligible for marriage and no suitor is coming. The silent tears. The groaning of the heart. The reproach. The pain. The suffering. The lost hope. The lost opportunity.

You do well to think nobody knows, but it isn't true, because Christ Knows. How? He has been here before. He's been in our earthly suit. He drank our water. He was skinned like us. Beaten. He was hungry like we are. He knows what you feel. He feels your pain. He knows how thoughtful we can be, how voluminous the battle of life may seems, how discouraging situations of things might be. He said " Take no thought".

Matthew  6:25  Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

He knows that sickness disturbing your peace. Your persistent giving. The difficulties you go through. The abuse from a heady husband. He knows when your husband decided to file for divorce without no offense. He knows when your wife suddenly packed out of house with no notice. He knows why your MD sacked you because you refuse to compromise with sin. He knows. Jesus Knows.

Sometimes God might keep quiet as if He's not watching. It may look as if God has forsaken. It may be as if "Why Me". It may look as if the heavens is closed. It may looked as if no hope.

An Hymnal saug:

Jesus Knows all about our sorrows.
He will guide till the day is gone.
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus.
No not one. No not one.

Now that you realise that Christ Knows.

1. Give your situation to him.
Let Him help you. He's our ever present help in time of our needs. He care for us and looked upon us with compassion.

Psalms  46:1  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2. Call upon Him. Jer 33 vs 3
He won't fail to answer us when you call upon Him with a genuine heart.

3. Make sure you are on His side.
He can only help, when you are carrying the badge of His kingdom. I.e be born again. John 3 vs 5

4. Trust Him to heal the process.
Allow the Lord.

Don't forget that Jesus Knows. The silent tears. The unredeemable sickness you think it's impossible to go. Jesus Knows about it. Tell Him, and the sickness will vanished.

Share with others.

God bless you.

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Unknown said…
AMEN sir...I'm blessed by this message,God bless you too!