The Healing Power Of Jesus


Form acts 10 v. 28,

we read the account of how God Anointed Jesus with Holy Ghost and power. So that He will be able to destroys devils work.
“But Jesus said someone has touched me; I know that POWER has gone out from me” Luke 8 vs. 46. Our Lord Jesus is the miracle worker. He went from place to place to heal. After He feed them with the word, He still took time to heal them. Many of them were eager to hear Gods word, but sickness or infirmity has made them bedridden to a certain place. The Lord Jesus is still in the business of healing the sick today. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever till He comes. In every gathering of two or three christens, Jesus said, He is in our midst. “Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there’s fullness of joy and liberty”. When someone who came in with sickness goes back with wholeness there’s joy in the heart. In God’s presence yokes are broken.

The power of God is always present in our services to wrought full deliverance and healing for His people.  In a certain place it was recorded that “the power of God was present to heal them”. The power that raises Lazarus is here today. The power that heals the woman with the issue of blood is here today. The power that opens the eyes of blind berthemaus is here today. The power that raises Jesus from the dead is here today. The power of God is present to HEAL.

Can you feel it? God didn’t just want to heal you; He wants to make you a channel by which He can heal others also. The same anointing that breaks yokes can heal. In fact, sickness is a yoke. It is a burden. It is load too heavy for you. Jesus says “COME ALL THAT LSBORED AND ARE HEAVY LADEN”. Laden with what? You know it. Sickness is part of the load.
Beloved do you desire to experience the healing power of Christ? Do you desire to be free? What is it that you want Jesus to do for you? What is your request? The power of God is present to do it. God sent Jesus to destroy that yoke, and grant you total peace in all areas. Jesus perform miracles on a Sabbath day, He delivered a woman who had bent over for 18years. Bounded by the devil, robbed of peace, living in agony. The mercy of God healed her. I see the Lord touching that pain. Healing that wound in Jesus Name. She was a daughter of Abraham, a child of God. Some child of God are liken to this woman. Afflicted? Let the power of God destroy that yoke upon you in Jesus Name. We are not just going to be reading the miracles that happen in the old time, we need that same power to work in our generation. And believe me; God is still working like old times. He will visit you today!
The Healing Jesus is still performing healing, setting free that bound. Liberating the oppress. Sickness is a form of oppression. The power of God will consume your problems. The power of God can consumes cancer, fibroids, destroys diseases, open the blinded eyes, and make the lame to walk, transform lives and ensure our wholeness. (SEE LUKE 5 VS. 17)

Beloved, believe in Jesus, believe in His mighty works, believe in His miracles, believe in the power of His healing, believe in His mercy and His power will come upon you like a rushing mighty WIND.

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