Despite All, Still Rejoice

Set Your HEART on the Joy

Hebrews  12:2

Looking onto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The Holy Spirit place that word on my heart, so that we can both be encouraged!

What are things you are passing through?
What battles are you fighting?
What challenges are storming your way?
What makes you cry silently?

Look towards the joy!

Even the Lord Jesus had encounters, but He looked beyond them, while.....?

1. Because the challenges are for awhile.
2. Because of the Joy coming after.

There's a joy after every pain. What you are passing through is not gonna kill you, but build you.

Don't let your faith shake, let be grounded in Jesus.

"Sorrow may tarry for the night, but SURE Joy comes in the morning"

Your morning is coming!
Do hold on, dear Solder of Christ.

You will scale through!

May the Lord encourage and comfort your heart in JESUS Name 

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