Being Filled With The Holy Spirit

The moment we accept the Lordship of Christ, He comes to dwell in us in the Person of The Holy Spirit. Put in mind, that the Holy Spirit is a Person. The third Person of the Trinity!

Matthew  28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

He's Just like the Father and the Son.
You must be conscious of that. He's not a wind or an olive Oil. He's a person who has Will (1 cor 12 vs11) and emotion ( acts 5).
Now it one thing to be baptized, and it is another thing to retain the fire. To retain the fire, you need to KEEP BEING FILLED with the Holy Spirit. That's the secret, and it works for the apostles. For what can we do without the help of the Holy Spirit. Even our Lord and Saviour Depend on the Holy Spirit for the fulfilment of His Ministry.

Let me categorize it.

1. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

This happens when you accept Christ in you. He comes as a seal of Ownership and a Promise, that God promised His children, which was obtained for us by The Lord Jesus Christ. (Joel 2 vs 28)

2. The baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1 vs 8
This is the empowerment that enables us to live a victorious Christian life and prevail. It is the empowerment for fruit bearing like the Lord Jesus did (see acts 10 vs 8).
It is power that comes on us to pull down the stronghold of the enemy ( 2cor 10 vs 6)

3. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit.

This is where many Christians don't have knowledge of. It is not alone to speak in tongues, you must keep being filled everyday for new utterance.

Someone will asked, are they not baptized before? Yes, they were.
But you need to keep being refreshed. Even our Lord Jesus, will withdraw to pray, what is He doing,- to be refilled.

Acts  4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

 4:33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Look at what happened, they were under persecution like we have now, they withdraw to pray and boldness, renewed heart and great grace comes upon them. When a man of God seek the face of God before going to the altar, He's simply getting refilled.
To be baptize is, a different level, but we need to keep our cup full at all times, by being filled with the Spirit. Many believer stops at the level of the baptism, but later on they remain dry long the way. It is not because the Holy Spirit had left them, but they don't get refilled everyday.

Someone will ask,
Do I need to be filled everyday, when I've been baptized? Yes.

To stay continually victorious, you need to be filled everyday. Each you get filled, you draw closer to God. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is received at salvation, He comes as a seal over you, enthroning Jesus. But then, you need to be baptized, for effective Christian living, but most importantly, is to stay victorious by being FILLED with the Holy Spirit.

From the Bible passage we understand that the Church was filled with the Holy Spirit. Remember, they had been baptized already. But daily filling is what sustain us.


From the above Scripture,

1. By praising God.
2. By worshipping God. Glorifying Jesus.
3. By praying
4. By studying the Scripture.

These are the 4 ways to stay filled. Everyday you do this, you can't God's presence.

To stay is filled, is to carrying God's presence always.

Be blessed. 

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