No To Depression



Late into the night yesterday, we received a message concerning a friend whose Facebook post was scary. And his line was not going through. 

I Immediately checked in to his Instagram handle and then to Facebook, then i saw a long post on what he has been going through.... Omo, it is really painful. 

Depression is real. Jesus is more Real.

The scripture says,

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV"

The scary part was when he wrote, "I'm sorry guys". At that point, I myself was afraid. So, I switched to speaking in tongues, then try to call him. He called back, and I shared a word of encouragement. 

A friend also reached out yesterday to ensure he's safe.

Truth is, Depression is real.

While praying yesterday, the Holy Spirit stopped my thought and put a thought into my mind.

"God is ready to help us, but most times, we're not ready minded to receive His comfort, thus compound issues." (Paraphrased)

1. Allow and receive the Comfort of the Holy Spirit. 

2. You're stronger than the circumstances in Christ.

3. Spesk and declare the word always. 

4. We have victory by the Blood of Jesus. 

5. Always remember, He's always with you.

Dear friends, irrespective of the situation, death is not the best to tell your story. Be alive and see the help of the Lord. 

Don't give up yet.

Peace ❤️

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